Monday, October 10, 2011

What to write about???

Out of complete boredom, I write today. Clearly I have shown almost no interest in this whole blogging thing. To be honest, I do not know why I am currently attempting to create a post worth reading. As I look at my old blog,, everything I wrote about was trivial; some immature but fun aspect of my life. Now as a parent of two children and working full-time, those aspects of my life have been filtered out.

My life is centered around my work and my family. For the most part, nobody wants to hear about my work. I am an analytical chemist screening athlete's urine for abuse of performance enhancing drugs. Most things I do day-to-day that interest me and would be, in my mind, worth while to write about would bore you, confuse you, or both. Also there are happenings in the lab that are interesting but cannot be shared with the public because of our position of obtaining confidential information. Writing about my family is not easy for me to do. Laina does a wonderful job on her blog, I am simply not a personal writer.

So what do I write about? I do not know. I will search for an identity for this blog. I feel that it is worth while to attempt some form of communication on this blog, mainly for myself. It forces me out of a comfort zone. I hope for success. Keep your expectations low, I know I am.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

A new blog for a new day

Some may ask, but most likely very few, why I created a new blog. The simple answer is that the blog I created before was under my hotmail account as my log in and this new blog is under my Gmail account (which I use way more now). I'm sure it is possible to transfer blogs to another email as your log in but I really didn't care to investigate. Anyone who perused my previous blog will know that I am not really leaving anything behind by dropping it.

Starting anew works out well. There are many things that were neglected in my previous blog. Don't think that I will not neglect many things in this blog, I can guarantee neglect and lost interest at times, but a concerted effort to make something of this blog will be had. The name and url of the blog already reflect who I am much better than the previous. I feel as though the old blog was simply a joke to tease my wife with or make dumb comments. Some may say that reflects exactly who I am and to those people I can only laugh and agree with, but a more inclusive summary of happenings will be posted. Hopefully this attempt will be long lasting. In my life I have made many attempts at journals and writings of such, all with utter failure. Getting past a week is an accomplishment. I have read over 700 pages of book this past month so for those who know me, I am, at the moment, turning over new leaves. Till next time